React Fragments | Return multiple elements in React

Hello Friends, In this post we will be learning what is React fragments and how to use that to returns multiple elements in react. Inside this article: Expected output what we want. Let us assume that you want to render a list on page but using two component as below where the UlComponent is calling … Read more

Angular 15 features | Angular v15 is now available

Hello Friends, Angular 15 is available now Angular 15 new features : – Standalone APIs are now our of developer preview! Router and HttpClient tree-shakable standalone APIs Directive composition API Image directive is now stable! Functional router guards Router unwraps default imports Better stack traces Release MDC-based components to stable More improvements in components … Read more

Lifting State Up in ReactJS

Inside this article: what and why about lifting state up While developing a React application you may encounter a situation that you have some data or state data in one component(lets name it as A) and you want the same data to be available to another component(Lets name is as B). also, the difficulty is, … Read more

Working With Multiple React Form inputs And Different Ways Of Using Component State In React- A Complete Guide

Hello Friends, Welcome to the CodeLila blog. In the last post we learned about React State and how to use the “useState” hook. If you want to read that post here is the link. React State- The “useState” Hook – CodeLila In this new post we are going to learn how we can work with … Read more